This list is provided for reference purposes.
Past Instrument Cube Configuration
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): DSSI
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS undergoing commissioning with fold mirror
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): unused
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS undergoing commissioning with fold mirror
2016Q3 (July; before primary re-aluminization)
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): unused
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS undergoing commissioning with fold mirror
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (no fold mirror; not usable)
LMI & DeVeny will be available to users the entire quarter. IGRINS will be available until ~28-Feb.
For January & February:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (no fold mirror; not usable)
For March:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (no fold mirror; not usable)
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused
- B (small port): DSSI (April - May 09), else unused
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (no fold mirror; not usable)
The top element of the corrector for the straight through port (where LMI is mounted) was replaced in July 2017. IGRINS installation is expected 24-31 August, with final recommissioning check out possibly extending into the first week of September. EXPRES is expected to start commissioning during 17Q3. NIHTS commissioning is TBD.
For July & August:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused
- B (small port): unused
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (commissioning in August)
For September:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): unused, or EXPRES FEM (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (commissioning)
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): DSSI, unused, or EXPRES FEM (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (commissioning)
For January:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (commissioning)
For February:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused, or DSSI
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (commissioning)
For March through June:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused, or DSSI
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (available in shared-risk mode)
The LDT secondary mirror will be remounted during the July/August engineering shutdown period.
For July through mid-September:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused, or DSSI
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port):NIHTS (available to users)
For mid-September through December:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning/shared-risk mode)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port):NIHTS (available to users)
For 2019A:
For January through April:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): IGRINS (available to users)
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning & science use)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port):NIHTS (available to users)
For May through June:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused or DSSI
- B (small port): EXPRES (commissioning & science use)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port):NIHTS (available to users)
For 2019B:
For July through December:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused or DSSI or POETS
- B (small port): EXPRES (available to users, consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (available to users)
For 2020A:
For January through June:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): DSSI/QWSSI (Feb and April) or POETS or open
- B (small port): EXPRES (available to users, consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (available to users)
For 2020B:
For July through December:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): unused or DSSI/QWSSI or POETS or open
- B (small port): EXPRES (available to users, consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (available to users)
For 2021A:
For January through June:
- Through port: LMI (available to users)
- A (large port): QWSSI (Between January and April) or POETS or open
- B (small port): EXPRES (available to users, consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny (available to users)
- D (small port): NIHTS (available to users)
For 2021B:
For July through December
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (Jul-Sep, Dec), POETS (Sep-Nov)
- B (small port): EXPRES (consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS
For January through June:
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (Jan,Mar,Jun), POETS (Jan,Feb,Mar,Jun)
- B (small port): EXPRES (consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS
For July through December
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (TBD), POETS (TBD), or Open
- B (small port): EXPRES (consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS (not available, in the lab)
For January through June:
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (April), POETS (May), or Open
- B (small port): EXPRES (consult with D. Fischer)
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS (not available, in the lab)
For July through December:
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (August), POETS (Sept/Oct), or Open
- B (small port): EXPRES
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS (status still to be confirmed)
2024A (Current Semester):
For January through June:
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (Jan/Feb), POETS (Mar-Jun), or Open
- B (small port): EXPRES
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS (status still to be confirmed)
2024B (Next Semester):
For July through December:
- Through port: LMI
- A (large port): QWSSI (TBD), POETS (TBD), or RIMAS Commissioning (TBD), or Open
- B (small port): EXPRES
- C (large port): DeVeny
- D (small port): NIHTS