LOUI development is best done in with the eclipse IDE. Java 5 and eclipse 3.5 are the appropriate versions for development. It is recommended to download the full Eclipse SDK (e.g. eclipse-SDK-3.5.2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz) and Delta Pack from the eclipse download site.
Each required plugin is on the source repository as its own project. List of required projects for nasa42 is:
- com.richclientgui.rcptoolbox
- edu.lowell.loui.common
- edu.lowell.loui.nasa42
- groovy
- org.apache.activemq
- org.apache.commons.beanutils
- org.apache.commons.codec
- org.apache.commons.collection
- org.apache.commons.configuration
- org.apache.commons.digester
- org.apache.commons.jxpath
- org.apache.commons.lang
- org.apache.commons.logging
- org.apache.commons.math
- org.apache.log4j
- org.jfreechart.swt.libs
- org.simpleframework.xml
The repository is subversion and it is on jumar. Example checkout syntax:
$ svn checkout svn://jumar.lowel.edu/edu.lowell.loui.nasa42/trunk edu.lowell.loui.nasa42
Create a new workspace and do the above checkouts and then do the following:
- Create /opt/LOIS/nasa42 directory
- Create the following symlinks in the above directory:
$ ln \-s $NASA42_WORKSPACE/edu.lowell.loui.nasa42/external/instrumentConfiguration.xml instrumentConfiguration.xml $ ln \-s $NASA42_WORKSPACE/edu.lowell.loui.nasa42/external/jndi.properties jndi.properties
- Edit the jndi.properties file to point to the right machine and right broker. Peter has the most recent info on these.