This provides a drop-down menu of available color maps that can be used as well as an invert-color option. The list and the RGB values were copied from IDL. The default is linear grey scale.
Define ROI
A way to define different types of regions of interest.
Move Target
A way to do collimation and pointing offsets from the imager.
Focus (LMI)
Allows initiating the focus script from the imager. The drop-down has 2 items; one for setting the parameters and the other one for initiating the command:
Selecting "Focus Parameters" brings up a dialog box which is pre-filled with the default values read from the config file:
For more information on the parameters and the inplacefocus script, you can refer to Autofocus Script (LMI) for LOIS.
The second item on the drop-down allows selection of a target star by clicking on it. The x & y coordinate of the star is included in the inplacefocus command sent to LOIS.