This component provides a quick look function for the latest acquired image by the instrument. There is no ability to load a prior image or a FITS file from the disk. For detailed analysis an outside application such as DS9 should be used.

The image is sent to the view by LOIS as a binary stream of data on a specific topic. The view allows some basic image manipulation and it also provides some instrument specific functions. As it can be seen below, the view is composed of several specific sections:

Image Information

This area simply posts information about the image and the cursor location with respect to the image.

The top two rows provide information about the image itself which includes the dimension, the time it was created, and the filename for the image.

The next line shows the result of LOIS analysis. The display is in red and the content depends on the exact command which was issued; box or phot. There is a tooltip for the line which describes the content in more detail.

The last two rows update the information as the cursor is moved to display the value of the pixel the cursor is on and the (x,y) coordinates of the cursor. There is also an echo of the LOUI Binning Factor (LBF). LBF has a default value of 2 for LMI which means that LOIS sends every other pixel to the imager. The imager is not meant for data analysis so this is not a major drawback and it speeds up operations on the imager. 

Thumbnail Aspect

This aspect represents the entirety of the image in a smaller, compressed form. The red box represents the viewable area on the main image view. You can center on any part of the image by clicking on the thumbnail where you want to view. This will update the main image automatically.

Detailed Aspect

This aspect is a detailed view of the cursor location on the Main Image. The red-blue, inner box represents the individual pixel the cursor is on. The outer, green box represents the area the Pixel Matrix will pick up and display.

The zoom ratio will ALWAYS remain 8:1. If you increase the zoom ratio on the main image, it will NOT increase the ratio on the detailed aspect.

Main Image

This is an enlarged image which can be seen more clearly than the Thumbnail or Detailed Aspects can offer. The initial image when received, is displayed at a 1:1 ratio. If the image is larger than the client area, the display starts at the center of the image. The cursor location on this aspect will relate to the Pixel Matrix and Line Profiles when toggled.

Fine Movement on the Image

If your cursor is close to a desirable location but you need to get it right on a certain pixel, arrow keys will let you move the cursor one pixel at a time in the up, down, left, or right direction using the respective arrow keys. Please remember that the view needs to be active.

Toolbar Menu

Sometimes you need to make adjustments to the image to suit your purposes. Some of these adjustments may be as simple as zooming in or out and some may be as complex as changing the color scale or the way the pixels are scaled on the image. All of the tools you need are located directly above the Thumbnail and Detailed Aspects. There are also a set of functions that can be launched via this menu bar. These functions are instrument dependent. The menu below is for LMI.

Image Zoom

The 4 controls with the magnifying glass allow you to control the ratio of the image to what is displayed. The magnifying glass with a plus or minus sign will let you zoom in or out of the image respectively. The third magnifying glass from the left will reset the ratio back to 1:1 and the last magnifying glass will fit the image to the client area.

C (Contrast Control)

Adjusts the contrast of the image. The left arrow will decrease the contrast and the right arrow increases the contrast.

B (Brightness Control)

Adjusts the brightness of the image. The left arrow decreases the brightness and the right arrow increases the brightness.


Scale drop-down allows the user the image transform function. The upper part choses the function and the lower part the limits. The default is ZScale-Linear where zscale is based on the IRAF algorithm. "User Defined" brings up a dialog box with a display of the intensity histogram where the user can set the limits.


This provides a drop-down menu of available color maps that can be used as well as an invert-color option. The list and the RGB values were copied from IDL. The default is linear grey scale.

Define ROI

A way to define different types of regions of interest.

Move Target

A way to do collimation and pointing offsets from the imager.

Focus (LMI)

Allows initiating the focus script from the imager. The drop-down has 2 items; one for setting the parameters and the other one for initiating the command:

Selecting "Focus Parameters" brings up a dialog box which is pre-filled with the default values read from the config file:

The second item on the drop-down, "Mark & Initiate Focus Run", allows selection of a target star by clicking on it. The x & y coordinate of the star is included in the inplacefocus command sent to LOIS.

For more information on the parameters and the inplacefocus script, you can refer to Autofocus Script (LMI) for LOIS.


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