The Info view is used for the following purposes:

  • display the progress of an image exposure
  • set certain exposure/image related parameters in LOIS
  • enable and set up sound for certain actions related to the exposures


LOIS parameters

This view can and should be used for setting the observer info (names & affiliations) parameters in LOIS. Generally, one would need to set the Observer information at the beginning of the night. 

Observer Info

The names and affiliation of the observers should be set in this section. If either of the two AREAS is blank it will remain as it was in LOIS's cache and most likely be incorrect. These parameters will be inserted in the FITS headers and are subjected to the same restrictions as all FITS headers; <= 72 characters. Clicking the "Set ..." button will also make sure that the data are stored on the correct subdirectory.

Sound Effects

We currently can generate alert sounds for 4 actions in the LOUI:

  • End of Readout
  • End of Exposure
  • End of Series
  • Blocked Exposure

The alert sounds are disabled by default and here is where the user can select the sound file to play for each action.

Under certain circumstances, such as bad telemetry, an exposure is blocked by LOIS so setting this sound will be very helpful for catching these cases if one is not looking at the LOIS logs carefully. "End of Exposure" notification will happen when the shutter is closing and readout starting. This notification will happen for all exposures except the last exposure in the series. If number of exposures in the series is 1, this sound will NOT play but instead the "End of Series" sound will play.

It is recommended that if an observer wants to set the "End of Exposure" sound, the "End of Series" sound should also be set.

Information Display

This view is used to display the following information:

  • Exposure Progress Bar
  • CCD Readout Indicator
  • Observer Info
  • Image File Info (path & name)
  • Disk Storage Info

Exposure Progress Bar

The progress bar shows the progress of each exposure. This is basically a timer that starts at the time the exposure begins and is not synchronized with LOIS. So it is possible that under rare circumstances it may be wrong. For instance if for some reason LOIS crashed in the middle of an exposure, the progress bar will continue without any indication of a problem. If an exposure is aborted via the LOUI, the progress bar will reflect the action by changing the text and the font color.

CCD Readout Indicator

This indicator is useful for the larger CCDs such as NASA42 and LMI where the CCD readout can take many seconds. The indicator is based on LOIS log statements and can be very rough.


  • No labels