Guider Chart is a view that is primarily used in the GDR LOUI. It displays real time plot of data from the current guide session.

The chart is composed of three tabs:

  • X & Y pixel position of the centroid
  • FWHM and flux for the guide star
  • Sky background and peak value

The range for the y-axis is determined by the first set of data that arrives (index = 0) from the guider. The plot is a time series with a fixed x-axis of 500 points. Every new guide session clears the plot. The plot can be zoomed by dragging a rectangle but it does not work very well if the plot has not been filled.

The button and the text boxes at the top can be used for resetting or adjusting the y-axes. If any of the text boxes are empty or have an invalid value, the button will reset the axes to the initial default values. If all 4 text boxes have valid numbers, the button will set the range of the axes to the entered values. The axis adjustment can be done while the guide session is in progress and data arriving.


  • No labels