As-built optical models for the DCT
Please contact Tom Bida to request the Zemax models.
A. For folded instrument cube ports, showing the cube and optical geometry:
- The unvignetted FOV of a standard fold mirror is approximately 2.5 arcmin circular diameter.
- The back focus from the instrument mounting flanges for folded cube ports is 180mm.
- The RC plate scale is 8 arcsec/mm.
B. For the RC corrector, with LMI including the dual filter wheel, and surface points for the cube structure and components.
The LMI CCD is a deep-depletion e2v CCD-231-C6, 6K x 6K 15 micron pixels, coated with a 4-layer Astro AR coating. The plate scale is 0.12 arcsec/pixel.