As-built optical models for the DCT
Please contact Tom Bida to request the Zemax models.
A. For
Zemax models for the folded instrument cube ports, and LMI with the RC corrector:showing the cube and optical geometry:
- The unvignetted FOV of a standard fold mirror is approximately 2.5 arcmin circular diameter.
- The back focus from the instrument mounting flanges for folded cube ports is 180mm.
- The RC plate scale is 8 arcsec/mm.
B. For the RC corrector, with LMI including the dual filter wheel, and surface points for the cube structure and components.
The 2-element corrector has the following characteristics:
- The 2 lenses are fabricated of fused silica, with transmission of 98.5% from 300-1100nm.
- The corrected, unvignetted FOV is 0.5 deg diameter, with 0.03% differential distortion over this FOV.
- The AR coatings provide average reflectance of 0.84% from 300-1100nm, with < 0.025% additive ghost-reflection sky background.
- The modeled spot size is 4.2-6.4 microns RMS (< 0.082 arcsec FWHM) over the LMI FOV (0.205 deg square), for B through I-bands.
The LMI CCD is a deep-depletion e2v CCD-231-C6, 6K x 6K 15 micron pixels, coated with a 4-layer Astro AR coating. The plate scale is 0.12 arcsec/pixel..ZMX