- cafe@lowell.edu - non-work related place to post about anything (please keep it PG13)
- switchfridays@lowell.edu - where staff gathers to play Switch videogames, usually on Friday as the name imply; Joe Wagner (jwagner@lowell.edu) and Todd Gonzales (astrotodd@lowell.edu) coordinate the event
- ramblers@lowell.edu - where staff partake in hikes around Mars Hill. Dyer Lytle (dlytle@lowell.edu) coordinate the event
- mars-hill-redshifters@lowell.edu - mountain bike group rides. Todd Gonzales (tgonzales@lowell.edu) coordinate the event
- volleyball@lowell.edu - usually active during the summer and sometimes into fall season; Dave Schleicher (dgs@lowell.edu) coordinate the event