Note: This page requires updating to reflect current (2020B) actual operating practice. Maybe update the PDF policy document, too? Does that require discussion with the partners?
The current LDT The current DCT Target of Opportunity (ToO) policy document is available here: ToO-Policy-2015-10-20.pdf. Users should be familiar with the current version of the policy.
A listing of currently approved & active ToO programs is maintained at the bottom of the current science schedule.
Procedure for triggering a ToO
To trigger a ToO the team calls the DCT LDT control room (main line: 928-268-2914; backup: 928-354-2674).
In cases where the DeVeny collimator has not already been focused that night, the TO may be requested to focus the DeVeny collimator. Observer can focus their own &*(#$ collimator!
The TO will not be asked to change: the LMI filter complement, DeVeny grating, DeVeny filter, DeVeny grating tilt, nor DeVeny slit width. (Note that on nights that the DeVeny is not scheduled for use it is the intention to leave the DeVeny grating, filter, grating tilt, & slit width in a standard configuration.). – Note: Since DeVeny now has motorized stages, this discussion should be limited to the grating, and filter? It's quick to change the filter – do we allow that?
Coordinate with the ToO observer to ensure that the necessary calibrations are acquired, either during the initial ToO time, at the end of the night, or, in rare cases, at the start of the next night. The TO is not expected to work longer than their scheduled shift.
If the observer(s) are on-site, for safety they must make sure that at least one person stays with the Telescope Operator at the DCTLDT.
ToO Team Responsibility
The ToO observers must perform their own observations, typically remotely.
Within one day of the observations the ToO team should send an email to the DCT LDT Scheduler (tac@lowell.tac at lowell dot edu) with a brief report on the observations including start/end times.
LDT Scheduler Responsibility
Update the remaining available time for the ToO program at the bottom of this page and on the Observing Schedule web page.
See the bottom section of the most current Science Schedule for approved programs.