After you retrieve the required plugins, there 's one more library that needs are a few more libraries that need to be downloaded and installed. First is JUnit: JUnit
-in the manifest, find the junit4 requirement, and delete the 4.
Next is Eclipse Nexus.
Lastly, you will need to accommodate for two imports that are deprecated and will be removed at some point.
Open classes edu.lowell.loui.common.util/SoundUtilities and edu.lowell.loui.common.view/InfoView
In both, comment out the imports for: javazoom.jl.decoder.JavaLayerException and com.gtranslate.Audio
In SoundUtilities, comment out the interior of PlayAlertSoundMp3(String soundFile).
In InfoView, comment out the interior of generateCustomSoundFile(SoundTypes type), then, directly after the comment, add the following statement:
return Platform.getLocation().toString() + "/custom" + type.toString() + "Sound.mp3";
Lastly, navigate to the project's Manifest and delete the gTranslate dependency.