Each required plugin which is not part of the standard eclipse SDK is in the source repository as its own project. Current Current list of required projects for one of the LOUIs, e.g. NASA42, is:
- com.richclientgui.rcptoolbox
- edu.lowell.loui.common
- edu.lowell.lig.common
- edu.lowell.lig.jms
- edu.lowell.loui.imager
- groovy
- org.apache.activemq
- org.apache.commons.beanutils
- org.apache.commons.codec
- org.apache.commons.collection
- org.apache.commons.configuration
- org.apache.commons.digester
- org.apache.commons.jxpath
- org.apache.commons.lang
- org.apache.commons.logging
- org.apache.commons.math
- org.apache.log4j
- org.jfreechart.swt.libs
- org.simpleframework.xml
the LOUI build project set are as follows:
The repository is subversion and it is on jumar. The connection url is svn://jumar.lowell.edu
Example checkout syntax from command line:
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
$ svn checkout svn://jumar.lowel.edu/edu.lowell.loui.nasa42/trunk edu.lowell.loui.nasa42
- Create
directory for storing the configuration files Check out the whole tree for the config files
Code Block bash bash $ cd /opt/LOUI $ svn checkout svn://jumar.lowell.edu/LOUI_Configuration/trunk/dev .
- Edit the jndi.properties file in /opt/LOUI/nasa42 (DESIRED LOUI(we reccomend lmi)) to point to the right machine and right broker.
The easiest and fastest way to build the workspace is to use Team Project Sets.
After you retrieve the required plugins, there's one more library that needs to be downloaded and installed: JUnit
-Download the JAR file for the latest version.
-Put the JAR somewhere easily reached in your LOUI workspace.
-Find the plugins that require junit. This can be done most easily using the problems pane.
-navigate to that plug-in and right-click it.
-navigate through properties/java build path/libraries/add external JARs
-navigate to the junit JAR, and select it.
-Now, the project can access junit, but the manifest will require junit4.
-navigate to the project''s manifest (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)
-in the manifest, find the junit4 requirement, and delete the 4.
Lastly, you will need to accommodate for two imports that are deprecated and will be removed at some point. Open classes edu.lowell.loui.common.util/SoundUtilities and edu.lowell.loui.common.view/InfoView
In both, comment out the imports for: javazoom.jl.decoder.JavaLayerException and com.gtranslate.Audio
In SoundUtilities, comment out the interior of PlayAlertSoundMp3(String soundFile).
In InfoView, comment out the interior of generateCustomSoundFile(SoundTypes type), then, directly after the comment, add the following statement:
return Platform.getLocation().toString() + "/custom" + type.toString() + "Sound.mp3";
Lastly, navigate to the project's Manifest and delete the gTranslate dependency.