Every table includes three extra columns which are computed for DCT based on the current time; Air Mass, Azimuth and Elevation. These columns are provided to aid the observer in target selection and are time dependent. A re-sort of any of the columns causes the data to be recalculated and the updated values are shown.
Inline Editing
The first displayed line in the table (ID=0) is basically a blank like to offer the user the opportunity to send a target to the TCS that was not included in the input file. All the columns except ID and the computed columns are editable but one has to make sure that the edited column has been accepted by the app. So as with other cases, it is essential to double check the values in the top panel before sending the target to the TCS.
One can also edit an existing column in case the original data was incorrect or incomplete. There is no save function in the app so all edited data are transitory.
Example Input Data
The simplest input file includes title, RA and DEC which are the minimal required data for the TCS.