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{test=false} {sub=0} {oscan=32} {trigger=soft} {nexp=1}

setamp, sub, rbin, cbin, oscan, trigger, etime, nexp, and frame are taken from LOIS cache. To make sure that the exposure command is correct, it is important to take a test image so that the cache values are updated to the desired ones. After the exposure is complete and readout has started, the action will proceed to the next row and the appropriate row in the table is highlighted.


 There will be a message in place of the iteration number when the pattern is complete.


The process can only be aborted by pressing the abort button within the view. Using other abort buttons or stop series buttons will have unforeseen results. The abort stops the loop but it may not stop the last exposure. Depending on where LOIS is in the exposure process, LOIS may decide to finish the exposure but the file will not be written to disk.


Dither function may be used without any dithering. For instance, it can be used for taking exposures at different filters on the same object while guiding. If ALL the offset values in the pattern file are zero, the code will not send any offset command to the TCS. In this special case, the guide state will not change. By default guiding will turn off when an offset command is received by the TCS and there is no offset guiding is available at this time.

Another special case is that if the when exposure time 0, is set to 0. In this case the command will not be sent to LOIS. This can be used for resetting the system back to an initial state by issuing 0 offsets and moving the filter wheels without any exposure.
