Trace Crosshairs toggles the cursor when over the graph. If it is on, crosshairs will intersect at the cursor's location. Otherwise, it will display as a normal cursor.
"Guider" and "WFS" are toggle buttons in that when one is selected, the other is deselected. Provided the catalog queried is GWAVES, the selected object is converted either into a Guider Star or a Wavefront Sensor. If the catalog is something other than GWAVES, then these buttons have no functionality.
Reset Graph
"Reset Graph" will reset the graph to its original size and re-centered on point of query. The instrument's angle of orientation will be set to 0.0, any object selected will be unselected and the annotations and cross hairs will be toggled off.
Send Coordinates
"Send Coordinates" will send the selected object's data, in XML format, to the intended instrument. If the GWAVES catalog is selected, the XML data will note whether the object is a Guide Star or a WFS.
The last two counters are more for the query. They display how many objects were found vs. how many were returned.